The Synopsis "It has always been our desire to develop a world-class bank," declared Anil Ambani, chairman of the Reliance Group, in 2010. In November 2021, India's banking regulator, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has seized control of Reliance Capital, the group's non-banking financing arm, and has submitted it to the bankruptcy courts. Even the non-banking component of the company could not survive. But how did Reliance Capital find itself in such a precarious position? The narrative starts in 2005, when the Ambani brothers decided to separate the family firm. Anil Ambani took over the telecom and financial services businesses. He was banking on what he saw to be India's "future." But just getting a foot in the door isn't enough; you also need to know how to operate it effectively. And, well, let's just say the execution wasn't quite flawless. Anil Ambani continued to make greater and bolder (maybe riskier?) ventures in the entertainment...